Chase Chen

Chase Chen's life is a tribute to his creative genius. He began his career at an early age, participating in his first art show at the Children's Palace in Shanghai when he was only nine years old. In 1976, he attended the Shanghai Art Academy and received high honors from his instructors. Later, he spent three years teaching at the Jiao-Tong University. Today his works are held in collections throughout the world and have achieved unprecedented results at international actions.

Through his art, Chase teaches others to look closely at nature's basic elements. His work calls out, beckoning observers to experience the depth and complexity of his timeless landscapes and still-lifes. He captures the essence of his subjects through his unique use of light to reveal the freshness and softness of commonplace elements. His works stimulate the mind to study the poignant emotions found in the dramatic dance between sunlight and shadow. Viewers of his ability to portray the strongest emotions in a simple fence, cow or shadow.
